Landscape Clouds Original Oil Painting on Canvas, "Thunder Rolls"


Landscape Clouds Original Oil Painting on Canvas, "Thunder Rolls"

10 x 8 | oil paint, canvas
"Thunder Rolls"

10" x 8"

Original oil painting on canvas board

About the Painting

Clouds can be very interesting. I spent many hours as a child looking up at the clouds trying to see things in them. They are fleeting and constantly changing. I love the type of cloud in this painting because even though you can see the rain coming out of it, there is also the sunshine highlighting its edges, letting you know that the sun will be out once again.

This is an original, signed painting on canvas board

Professional quality materials

This painting is not matted or framed to allow the purchaser to choose something in their own taste and style.

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Additional costs for shipping outside the U.S.A. will be the responsibility of the buyer. Please contact me for fees and instructions prior to ordering.

Please note that Copyright for all artwork is retained by the Artist and is not transferred with sale. Artist retains all rights of reproduction.
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